Ministers of religion and their allowable expenses
There are certain expenses that you can claim as a minister of religion as long as they are incurred wholly and exclusively for the duties of the office or employment.
• The cost of ministry journeys from one place of work to another.
• Also allowable are related costs of accommodation and meals.
• Maintenance, repairs and insurance of vicarage or manse
• A proportion of the cost of lighting, heating, cleaning and maintaining of premises where you live.
• A proportion of rental cost if part of the house is used mainly for work;
• Cost of postage, stationery;
• Cost of telephone calls where a deduction is made to cover personal calls;
• Cost of repair or replacement of robes worn for divine service;
• Communion expenses such as bread and wine;
• Subscriptions to professional bodies approved by HMRC;
• Secretarial assistance cost;
• Books used in the conduct of services or preparation of sermons;
• Work-related training;
• Reasonable entertaining costs for official visits from clergy or officers of the church;
• Temporary cover cost known as locum tenens.
For more information about taxation of ministers of religion you could visit HMRC.