Have You Received an Annual Return/Confirmation Statement Reminder?

Have You Received an Annual Return/Confirmation Statement Reminder?

Have You Received an Annual Return/Confirmation Statement Reminder?

Please do not ignore the yearly e-reminder/letter, from Companies House, to submit the Annual Return/Confirmation Statement for your Company.

Hi — I’m Eveline and I am the administrator/coordinator of the Limited Companies business team and this is one problem that we come across too often at Taxfile.

Confirmation Statement form CS01As a Director, you just need to confirm once a year that there were no changes to the company and, if there were any, you can update them via the annual Confirmation Statement. Taxfile will help and send you a reminder — and we can submit the statement for you if you wish. Either way, please do make sure you submit the confirmation statement to Companies House online and in time.

If ignored, Companies House will start Strike Off action some time after the statement becomes overdue. If you ignore their further communication, they will dissolve your company after two months of publishing in the First Gazette. This would result in your bank sending you notice that the business bank account has been frozen and your assets will stay with the Government.

Taxfile is able to restore your company and help retrieve the money, but this is quite a long and costly process that could so easily have been avoided. So, please don’t forget to submit the Annual Return/Confirmation Statement in due time each year, or arrange for Taxfile to do so for you. Call 020 8761 8000 or contact us here and we’ll be happy to help with anything to do with tax, accountancy, bookkeeping, VAT or anything else to do with limited companies.

This post was brought to you by Eveline at Taxfile.