What 31 August means for Child Tax Credit (“CTC”) and Child Benefit

On 31 August, Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit (“CTC”) will cease for children, aged 16 at that date, who have left approved* education or training. However if they continue in approved training/education then these benefits may continue but only if the parent or claimant has told HMRC’s Child Benefit Office and/or Tax Credit Office (note that parents/claimants must notify *both* departments if they are claiming both of the benefits).

* “Approved education” means that the child remains in full-time, ‘non-advanced’ education at school/college (e.g. ‘A’ Levels).
“Approved training” means that the child is participating in, has enrolled in, or been accepted for one of the following types of course prior to reaching 19 years old: Read more