Email Scam Warning in run-up to HMRC Tax Credits Deadline

Phishing scamsHMRC have sent out warnings over a significant threat from new ‘phishing’ emails purporting to be from them. They are, in fact, scam emails which include links to replicas of the HMRC site and are designed to trick people into disclosing security-sensitive financial and personal information such as bank details, National Insurance numbers, credit card details, passwords, mother’s maiden names and so on. In the wrong hands these details could mean theft of your money or even your identity. Many people do not realise they have been scammed until it’s too late so taxpayers need to stay alert when checking emails and browsing online.

HMRC state that they never ask for payment and personal information by email and also warned people to be very wary of opening email attachments as many contain malicious code of one form or another. This is especially difficult because some of the fraudulent emails look very genuine, even appearing on casual inspection to come from an email address like and containing promises of tax refunds or Read more

New HMRC Service to Replace Closing Enquiry Centres

Tax adviceHer Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (‘HMRC’) have now completed a 7 month pilot scheme, held across the North East of England, whereby they closed existing HMRC Enquiry Centres and instead offered those requiring extra help with tax-related issues assistance in a different, more tailored way. With the pilot scheme now complete and deemed a success, all Enquiry Centres across the UK will be closed by 30 June 2014 (just a few days away at time of writing) in favour of the new, more tailored system.

Since the end of May, HMRC have already been rolling out the replacement service, being “a new way to support people who need extra help to get their taxes, tax credits and child benefit entitlements right”. The new service will be more tailored to individual needs and will apparently be more efficient than the Enquiry Centres, which have seen demand drastically falling over recent years. So evidently the new service is also about saving the Government money, which is good to see as it helps to reduce the UK’s overall tax burden and mitigates possible tax increases.

The Replacement Service

The replacement service will be available by telephone or face-to-face via a mobile squad of advisers, who will deal with you on the telephone, visit your home or meet you within your local community, if preferred. The HMRC specialist involved will try to resolve, as fully as possible, all tax and tax credit-related queries during the course of the initial session. This will be aided by liaison, during that session, between the adviser and other experts from different departments within HMRC; the aim being to Read more

2008 Pre-Budget Report

In his 2008 Pre-Budget Report speech on 24 November, the Chancellor has set out his actions for supporting people through the difficult times of the current global financial crisis. Among the most important changes to do with tax, VAT and benefits, we can mention the following:
•Personal tax allowance increases to £6475, and the basic rate tax limit to £37,400 from April 2009. This means that basic rate taxpayers will pay £145 less tax a year in 2009-10;
•Basic Personal allowance for individuals with income over £100,000 to be reduced to half its value from April 2010;
•Personal allowances will be scrapped for those earning in excess of £140,000 a year from April 2010.
•A new, higher rate of Income Tax of 45% will be introduced for incomes above £150,000;
•Employee, employer and self-employed rates of National Insurance Contributions will increase by 0.5 per cent from April 2011 but those earning less than £20,000 will be exempted.
•The child benefit increases was brought forward to 5th January 2009 instead of April. This is worth an additional £22 on average to families. The commitment to increase the child element of the Child Tax Credit by £25 above indexation in April 2010 will also be brought forward to April 2009.Children will receive a one-off £70 payment for Christmas.
•All pensioners will be paid £60 in the New Year, the equivalent of bringing forward the April increase in the Basic State Pension for a single pensioner to January.In April 2009 the level of a full State Pension will rise in line with prices from £90.70 to £95.25 a week.
•Pensioners on modest incomes will get an increase in pension credit from £124 to £130 and for couples from £189 to £198 from January 2009;
•The standard rate of VAT will be reduced by 2.5% from 17.5% to 15% on 1 December 2008. This new rate will apply until 31 December 2009, when it will revert to 17.5%.This reduction will be offset by increased duties on alcohol, tobacco and petrol.
•The planned increase in the Small Company Rate from 21% to 22% from 1 April 2009 will take effect from 1st April 2010.
•SMEs will be allowed to spread business tax payments over a period to help to ease cashflow and credit constraints.
•Business losses of up to £50,000 could now be offset against profits made in the past three years rather than just one;
Taxfile‘s tax agents recommend the following link for more details regarding the Pre-budget Report.

What are the tax credits?

Tax credits are payments the Government makes to you if you live in the UK and are in a paid work, responsible for children or both.
There are two types of tax credits: Working Tax Credit (WTC) and Child Tax Credits (CTC).
The CTC has the following parts:
• a family part
• a baby part
• a child part
• a disability part.
The WTC has in turn the following parts:
• basic part
• a couple part
• a lone parent’s part
• a 30 hours a week part
• a disability part
• over 50 years old part.

If you are a student and do not have paid work you may still be able to claim if you look after a child.
If you are 16 or over and have a dependant child or are working and disabled you can still claim tax credits.
If you are 25 years old or over and you work at least 30 hours a week you can claim even if you have no children.
People who have children can claim WTC as well as CTC as long as they work at least 16 hours a week.
Rates and Thresholds for 2008-09 tax credits:

Working Tax Credit ( per year)
•Basic part:£1800
•Couple and lone parent part :£1770
•30 hour part: £735
•Disabled worker part:£2405
•Severe disability element: £1020
•50+ Return to work payment (16-29 hours) : £1235
•50+ Return to work payment (30+ hours) : £1840
There is a childcare element with the WTC.The maximum eligible cost for one child in 2008-09 tax year is £175 per week and for two to more children is £300 per week.

Child Tax Credit ( per year)
•Child Tax Credit Family part: £545
•Family element, baby addition: £545
•Child element : £2085
•Disabled child element : £2540
•Severely disabled child element :£1020

If you need to know more about tax credits, Taxfile‘s tax accountants can help you decide whether you are eligible or not to claim tax credits.

Corporation Tax (CT)

The fourth largest source of government revenues is Corporation Tax, charged on the profits and chargeable gains of companies. The main rate band is 30%, which is levied on taxable income above £1.5m. The small companies rate of 19% is charged on the first £300,000 of profits where profits are between £50,000 and £1,500,000.
Profits between the lower and upper profit thresholds (£300,000-£1,500,000), are in effect charged at a marginal rate of tax of 32.75%.
Companies that are resident in the UK are subject to Corporation Tax on their profits (income plus gains) arising in an accounting period which cannot be more than 12 months.
Non-resident companies may be subject to Corporation Tax (CT) where they trade in the UK through a permanent establishment.
• A company incorporated in the UK is treated as UK resident.
• A non-UK incorporated company is treated as resident in the UK if its central management and control is exercised in the UK.

A company’s trading losses can normally be set against:
• Income and gains of the same accounting period.
• Income and gains of the previous year.
• Trading profits from the same trade in future years.

In terms of Dividends, companies do not have to pay tax at the time they pay a dividend. Corporation tax is paid at the normal time on the company’s taxable profits without any deduction for dividends paid. For small companies, profits that are paid out as dividends are charged at not less than 19%.
A shareholder receives the dividend with an accompanying tax credit equal to 10% of the dividend plus tax credit. The tax credit is equivalent to the basic rate of income tax on dividends. Companies pay no tax on dividends received.
Companies normally have to file their return within 12 months of the end of the accounting period. If a return is filed late, the company is automatically charged a fixed penalty of between £100 and £1,000, depending on how late the return is and whether lateness is habitual. An additional tax-linked penalty is charged if the return is filed more than six months late.
If you need to know more about corporation tax, our tax experts at Taxfile in South London can help you understand it better and at the same time minimize your tax liability, making sure you pay the right amount of tax.