VAT Schemes in the UK: A Guide for Businesses

VAT Schemes in the UK: A Guide for Businesses

VAT Schemes in the UK: A Guide for Businesses

For businesses operating in the UK, understanding Value Added Tax (VAT) schemes is crucial. Not only does VAT impact your cash flow, but navigating the different options can feel overwhelming. This blog post simplifies VAT schemes in the UK, helping you choose the most suitable one for your business. Read more

A Brit's Guide to Value Added Tax (VAT) Returns

A Brit’s Guide to Value Added Tax Returns

A Brit's Guide to Value Added Tax (VAT) Returns

VAT — the three little letters that strike fear into the hearts of many a Brit. But fear not, fellow taxpayer! Today, we’re taking a break from the spreadsheets and diving into the delightfully quirky world of UK VAT returns.

VAT, the Shapeshifter

Ever feel like VAT is playing a game of tax-code whack-a-mole? One minute, it’s 20% on your fancy new bicycle helmet. The next, it’s vanished like a magician’s rabbit on a packet of crisps (because, let’s face it, crisps are a VAT mystery all on their own).

The Great Cake Debate

Who knew a simple sponge cake could cause such a stir? Apparently, a sprinkle of chocolate transforms it into a full-VAT situation. Don’t worry, Victoria sponges are safe (for now).

VATman vs. the Smoothie Smugglers

Remember the smoothie wars of ’07? Innocent Drinks tried to claim their creations were “liquefied fruit salad” to avoid VAT. HMRC, ever the defender of fiscal justice, said, “Not so fast, those are clearly beverages!”  A tale that proves even the fruitiest tax battles can be entertaining.

Filing Follies

We’ve all been there. You’ve spent hours on your return, feeling smug and self-assured. Then, with a click of the submit button, dread washes over you. Did you forget something? Did you use the wrong form for your pet rock collection (because, yes, VAT rules apply there too)? Deep breaths, everyone. VAT return blunders are a thing.

The Refund Rumble

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of a VAT refund. It’s like finding a forgotten banknote in your winter coat – a financial windfall delivered straight from HMRC! Just remember, with great refunds comes great responsibility (to spend it wisely, of course).


VAT returns might not be a walk in the park, but with a little humour and a helpful accountant, they can be a gentle breeze on a summer’s morning.

At Taxfile we take the ‘tax’-ing aspect out of VAT returns leaving you with the ‘value added’, focusing on what is important for you and your business.

We can run your VAT from start to finish; all you need to do is keep a digital footprint of your financial data.

Spring Budget 2024: A Balancing Act for the UK Economy

Spring Budget 2024: A Balancing Act for the UK Economy

Spring Budget 2024: A Balancing Act for the UK Economy

by Ali at Taxfile.

The UK Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, delivered his Spring Budget on March 6, 2024, amidst a backdrop of subdued economic growth and limited fiscal headroom. The budget aimed to strike a delicate balance between supporting economic activity, controlling public spending, and preparing for future challenges.

If you have missed the announcements, the Key Highlights for the majority of our clients are as follows.

Tax Cuts

The budget continued the government’s commitment to lower taxes, announcing a further 2p cut to National Insurance contributions (NICs) for both employees and the self-employed as of 6th April 2024. This measure, alongside previous cuts, delivers the largest-ever reduction in NICs, aiming to boost disposable income and stimulate economic activity.  Hunt says the National Insurance cut, to begin next month, is worth £450 a year for the average worker earning £35,000 p/a.

VAT Threshold Changes

Recognising the crucial role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the Chancellor announced an increase in the VAT registration threshold from £85,000 to £90,000 starting from 1st April 2024. For the de-registration from VAT, the taxable threshold has also increased, by the same amount, to £88,000.

Child Benefit

The Spring 2024 UK Budget contained two key points regarding child benefit:

  1. The income threshold at which the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) applies increased from £50,000 to £60,000 annually.  This means families with one parent earning less than £60,000 will now receive the full amount of child benefit.
  2. There are also plans for future reform; the government announced a consultation to explore assessing the HICBC based on household income instead of individual earnings. This reform is planned to be implemented by April 2026.

The current system has been criticized for being unfair, as two single parents each earning £49,000 would receive full child benefit, while a single parent earning £50,000 would not. Assessing the charge based on household income aims to address this disparity.

Capital Gains Tax

The Spring Budget also includes two changes relating to Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on property:

1. Reduced rate for residential property

The higher rate of capital gains tax (CGT) due on disposal of residential property will reduce to 24% (from 28%), beginning on 6th April 2024. This means that individuals selling a second home or investment property will pay a lower tax rate on their profits.

2. Abolition of the Furnished Holiday Let (FHL) regime

Announced for 6th April 2025, the budget proposes abolishing the FHL tax regime. This regime currently offers beneficial tax treatment for furnished holiday lets. Instead, all UK residents will be subject to the same capital gains tax rules on their rental income, regardless of whether the property is a long-term or short-term let.

Non-Domiciles: Scrapping of the Remittance Basis

The previous system, where ‘non-doms’ only paid UK tax on non-UK income and gains if they brought them into the UK (remitted), is being abolished entirely.

The reform aims to create a simpler and fairer tax system for individuals regardless of their domicile status. It also encourages spending and investment within the UK by offering temporary tax exemption on foreign income brought into the country.  This will be done by:

1. The introduction of a residency-based system

The new regime focuses on residence instead of domicile. Individuals arriving in the UK after April 2025 will be exempt from tax on foreign income and gains for their first four years of UK residence.

2. A transition period

Existing non-doms will have a transition period to adjust to the new system.


Setting Up for Making Tax Digital - Bookkeeping, Record-Keeping Etc

Setting Up for Making Tax Digital

Setting Up for Making Tax Digital - Bookkeeping, Record-Keeping Etc

by Sue at Taxfile.

Whether you’re new to self-employment and have just started to run your own business, or have been doing it for a while – the fact is: Making Tax Digital (‘MTD’) is coming and it would be best to get set up in the right way, now.

Record-Keeping for Making Tax Digital

Keeping your personal life & your business completely separate is the best policy. It keeps things streamlined and will also save you money when your tax agent comes to do your bookkeeping & tax returns. So:

  • Set up a separate bank account just for your business;
  • Pay for your expenses from this account;
  • Pay income from your sales into it;
  • Keep an ongoing file for each tax year, where you put all your expenses, receipts & invoices;
  • Include copies of your sales invoices in that file too;
  • Keep the file in monthly order, so that accountants/tax advisors like Taxfile can easily cross-check the invoices to the bank statements and analyse your costs accurately.

Setting Up Digitally

Making Tax Digital means that you must run your business through a digital traceable source. The best way to do this is to allow us, if we are your tax agent/accountant, to set up your bank statements to feed automatically into accounting software like ‘Xero’. Alternatively, we can accept bank statements downloaded in CSV format, which we would then transfer to Excel spreadsheets.

Cash & Card Sales

If you are making cash & card sales, set up an app on your smartphone like ‘Sum Up’ or ‘Square’ so that you will be complying with MTD – your bank can also supply you with a PDQ card reader to accept your cash/card sales. We can upload your sales reports from these services and include them in your sales figures.

Accurate record-keeping is the cornerstone of every successful business

Moving to Quarterly Reporting

Here at Taxfile, we can currently run your bookkeeping for you quarterly or annually. However, when HMRC implement MTD fully in 2026, tax returns will need to be submitted each quarter — no longer just once a year. We’re therefore recommending that everyone gets used to sending in their bookkeeping records quarterly.

Quarterly bookkeeping also allows us to monitor your sales turnover and alert you at the appropriate time if you are approaching the level of sales that would require you to get registered for VAT. Finding out at the end of the year that you have already gone over the threshold — and should have been charging VAT at an earlier date — can be very costly.

Contact Taxfile – for All Your Tax & Accounting Needs

We’re Tax Advisors & Accountants in Tulse Hill, Dulwich, South London & the South West

Come and chat with one of our friendly team in the Tulse Hill office about getting things set up & ready in good time. Or call for a telephone appointment to discuss what will be best suited to your particular business operations.

Whether you are a sole trader with no staff or subcontractors for a larger concern, we are here to help every size of business get set up on the right path — for getting MTD-ready.

Taxfile is a tax advisor and accountant with offices in Tulse Hill, and Dulwich in South London, and Devon & Cornwall in the South West of England.

VAT in the UK: a comprehensive guide including what it is, the different rates, registering, returns, reclaiming it, the different schemes and more.

Navigating the VAT Landscape in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

VAT in the UK: a comprehensive guide including what it is, the different rates, registering, returns, reclaiming it, the different schemes and more.

Value Added Tax (VAT), a consumption tax levied on most goods and services in the UK, plays a significant role in the nation’s economy. Whether you’re a sole trader, limited company business owner or simply a curious consumer, understanding VAT is crucial for navigating the UK’s tax system effectively. Today’s comprehensive guide explains what it is, the various VAT rates, when you need to be registered for the tax, VAT schemes, and more. Read more

Key Takeaways from the Spring Statement 2022

Key Takeaways from the Spring Statement 2022

Key Takeaways from the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Spring Statement 2022

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled his Spring Statement for 2022 on 23 March and in some ways it was more like a mini budget.

Key takeaways from the Spring Statement include:

  • The earnings threshold at which you start to pay National Insurance Contributions (NICs) will increase to £12,570 from July 2022. This is currently set at £9,880 (correct at time of writing, March 2022), so will leave people with more money in their pockets.
  • Class 2 NICs for the self-employed will also reduce, from April 2022, to zero for profits between £6,515 and £9,568
  • 5p per litre has been cut immediately from fuel duty.
  • The basic rate of income tax will reduce from 20% to 19% starting in April 2024.
  • The Employment Allowance will increase to £5,000 per annum from April 2022. Currently it’s set at £4,000. The allowance reduces the NICs that employers have to pay.
  • VAT on materials that save energy will be reduced from 5% to zero from April 2022. This should reduce the cost of things like solar panels, heat pumps and insulation.
  • Councils in England will be able to pass on their share of an additional £500m in extra Government support via the Household Support Fund. The new tranche is for the period 2022/23. The fund helps vulnerable residents, via councils, with short-term help with things like fuel and household bills, food, clothing and other essentials. The previous tranche ends on 31 March 2022, so this is timely.

Watch the Chancellor’s 28 minute Spring Statement 2022, as delivered to the House of Commons, in the video above (skip any adverts). Alternatively get all the detail in the House’s briefing summary here. There’s also a Read more

Taxfile Covers Clients for HMRC Enquiries

Taxfile Covers Clients for HMRC Enquiries

Taxfile Covers Clients Against HMRC Enquiries

Did you know that Taxfile’s clients are protected from HMRC enquiries, for example for tax returns and similar submissions we make to HMRC? Through a simple, low-cost fee, Taxfile promises to liaise with HMRC on clients’ behalves should HMRC ever want further clarification of figures submitted. This includes HMRC queries following a tax return, VAT return, corporation tax return or payroll submission made by us. Usually, protecting clients from this type of HMRC investigation could mount up in terms of cost, as it can sometimes take hours to deal with, even for tax experts like us. However, with Taxfile’s low cost cover, it’s all covered automatically (within reason, of course*).

Through a low-cost fee, Taxfile promises to liaise with HMRC on clients' behalves should HMRC ever want clarification of figures submitted.The enquiry cover costs only …

  • £5 for a self assessment income tax return;
  • £10 for a VAT return;
  • £25 for a corporation tax return;
  • £4 for a payroll submission.

(VAT extra). Most accountants would charge you a considerable sum for this level of protection against HMRC enquiries. However, at Taxfile, we spread the cost through the whole business and, as a result, the cost to clients is a fraction of what it could otherwise be. We hope you agree that it’s a very small price to pay for such peace of mind, should the worst happen.

Tax Advisers & Accountants in Tulse Hill, Dulwich, South London & The South West

Do ask a staff member if you would like more information or, indeed, if you would like any tax or accountancy help. Telephone 020 8761 8000 or contact us here. We are Read more

How we harness technology at Taxfile in Tulse Hill, Dulwich, Devon & Cornwall

Harnessing Technology at Taxfile

How we harness technology at Taxfile in Tulse Hill, Dulwich, Devon & Cornwall

The rapid pace of technological change has caused some of the biggest shifts in how we view and process our tax returns. At Taxfile, we’re constantly striving to use technology as effectively as possible to aid us in collecting, analysing, and collaborating when working on your personal data.

Over the pandemic, we’ve had to place our reliance even further on technology to maintain our standards, with regular meetings online. We’re constantly improving the efficiency of our work pipeline and, with the ability to pull figures directly from online bank statements, we can ensure precision in the numbers we present you with. For the last two years, we’ve implemented cloud technology as both a collaborative tool between our senior and junior staff and as storage for various databases used to track everything from employee working hours to the status of your tax return. We’re expanding further on this concept in collaboration with Pure Technology by merging our existing cloud systems with our current remote work solution to form one, all-encompassing workspace environment. Hosting it in the Microsoft Cloud ensures that, with the help of our office staff, your paperwork and bookings can be sent to and viewed by your tax agent as soon as possible. This and a variety of other endeavours are examples of our ambitions to be at the forefront of innovations, and constant review of our policies ensures we remain ahead, or on track, to meet the standards set by Making Tax Digital (MTD) for its 2023 launch.

Contact South London’s Favourite Accountant

Taxfile can help you with all your tax or accountancy requirements. We offer Read more

PAYE, 2021/22 Tax Thresholds, Employment Allowance & P800s

PAYE, 2021/22 Tax Thresholds, Employment Allowance & P800s

PAYE, 2021/22 Tax Thresholds, Employment Allowance & P800s

My name is Daniel and I have been a part of the Taxfile family since 2007. It started as a part-time job doing bookkeeping, but as time went on, I developed new abilities and a deeper understanding of the tax world. PAYE, VAT, and Company Register are now my areas of expertise.

I understand how complicated the tax world is, so here are a few PAYE things to consider:

Understanding the tax thresholds for 2021-2022

PAYE is calculated based on how much you earn and whether you are eligible for the personal allowance.

  • Standard Rate: PAYE income tax is charged at 20%, less a personal allowance of £12,570, this is signified by tax code 1257L.
  • Higher Rate: For most, income over £50,270 to £150,000 is charged at 40%.
  • Additional Rate: Income above £150,000 is charged at 45%.

What is the Employment Allowance?

The Employment Allowance allows certain businesses that employ workers to reduce their annual National Insurance (NI) bill by up to £4,000 (for the 2021/22 tax year).
Eligible businesses can claim a reduction against their employer’s Class 1 NI liability up to a maximum of £4,000 each tax year. You can still claim the allowance if the liability was less than £4,000 in a tax year.

You can’t claim if you’re a company with only one employee paid above the Class 1 National Insurance Secondary Threshold (£8,840 for the 2021/22 tax year, up from £8,788 for the 2020/21 tax year) if that employee is also a director of the company.

How will I know if I haven’t paid the right amount of PAYE?

HMRC will send out a P800 tax calculation form after the tax year ends on 5 April, which you should receive by the end of November. This will show how much tax is due to be refunded, or is owed for previous years.

Another significant aspect of Taxfile is that it works with a wide range of accounts software (Sage, QuickBooks, Xero, FreeAgent, VT, Forbes, Moneysoft, and so on) and can accommodate everyone. These are just a few examples, but if you need assistance with any area of PAYE, VAT, or other types of tax, Taxfile and the team are here to help. Call Taxfile on 020 8761 8000, book a free appointment (in-person and phone or video call options are available) or simply message us your tax-related query and we’ll be happy to help. We are accountants and tax experts in South London and the South West.

This post was brought to you by Daniel at Taxfile.

EU VAT – The BREXIT Effect

EU VAT – The Brexit Effect: changes in EU VAT treatment are coming on 1 July 2021 for EU B2C transactions.

Changes in EU VAT is incoming from 1st July 2021 for Business to Customer (B2C) sales for those operating within the EU.  The changes need to also be considered for businesses in the UK, post-Brexit, that wish to sell online directly to the customer.

The new EU VAT E-commerce package is comprised of two key components;

  • One Stop Shop (OSS)
  • Import One Stop Shop (IOSS)

It is not compulsory to report VAT using either of these methods, the option is still available to register for VAT in each EU country you wish to do trade with and account and pay VAT in each of those territories.  However, reading that, you would wonder why you would take on such a task, when you can just do one VAT return, where the liabilities are then paid to each country where the B2C transaction occurred.  However, importantly, these 2 methods can only be used for Read more