VAT Schemes in the UK: A Guide for Businesses

VAT Schemes in the UK: A Guide for Businesses

VAT Schemes in the UK: A Guide for Businesses

For businesses operating in the UK, understanding Value Added Tax (VAT) schemes is crucial. Not only does VAT impact your cash flow, but navigating the different options can feel overwhelming. This blog post simplifies VAT schemes in the UK, helping you choose the most suitable one for your business. Read more

A Brit's Guide to Value Added Tax (VAT) Returns

A Brit’s Guide to Value Added Tax Returns

A Brit's Guide to Value Added Tax (VAT) Returns

VAT — the three little letters that strike fear into the hearts of many a Brit. But fear not, fellow taxpayer! Today, we’re taking a break from the spreadsheets and diving into the delightfully quirky world of UK VAT returns.

VAT, the Shapeshifter

Ever feel like VAT is playing a game of tax-code whack-a-mole? One minute, it’s 20% on your fancy new bicycle helmet. The next, it’s vanished like a magician’s rabbit on a packet of crisps (because, let’s face it, crisps are a VAT mystery all on their own).

The Great Cake Debate

Who knew a simple sponge cake could cause such a stir? Apparently, a sprinkle of chocolate transforms it into a full-VAT situation. Don’t worry, Victoria sponges are safe (for now).

VATman vs. the Smoothie Smugglers

Remember the smoothie wars of ’07? Innocent Drinks tried to claim their creations were “liquefied fruit salad” to avoid VAT. HMRC, ever the defender of fiscal justice, said, “Not so fast, those are clearly beverages!”  A tale that proves even the fruitiest tax battles can be entertaining.

Filing Follies

We’ve all been there. You’ve spent hours on your return, feeling smug and self-assured. Then, with a click of the submit button, dread washes over you. Did you forget something? Did you use the wrong form for your pet rock collection (because, yes, VAT rules apply there too)? Deep breaths, everyone. VAT return blunders are a thing.

The Refund Rumble

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of a VAT refund. It’s like finding a forgotten banknote in your winter coat – a financial windfall delivered straight from HMRC! Just remember, with great refunds comes great responsibility (to spend it wisely, of course).


VAT returns might not be a walk in the park, but with a little humour and a helpful accountant, they can be a gentle breeze on a summer’s morning.

At Taxfile we take the ‘tax’-ing aspect out of VAT returns leaving you with the ‘value added’, focusing on what is important for you and your business.

We can run your VAT from start to finish; all you need to do is keep a digital footprint of your financial data.

VAT in the UK: a comprehensive guide including what it is, the different rates, registering, returns, reclaiming it, the different schemes and more.

Navigating the VAT Landscape in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

VAT in the UK: a comprehensive guide including what it is, the different rates, registering, returns, reclaiming it, the different schemes and more.

Value Added Tax (VAT), a consumption tax levied on most goods and services in the UK, plays a significant role in the nation’s economy. Whether you’re a sole trader, limited company business owner or simply a curious consumer, understanding VAT is crucial for navigating the UK’s tax system effectively. Today’s comprehensive guide explains what it is, the various VAT rates, when you need to be registered for the tax, VAT schemes, and more. Read more

Taxfile Covers Clients for HMRC Enquiries

Taxfile Covers Clients for HMRC Enquiries

Taxfile Covers Clients Against HMRC Enquiries

Did you know that Taxfile’s clients are protected from HMRC enquiries, for example for tax returns and similar submissions we make to HMRC? Through a simple, low-cost fee, Taxfile promises to liaise with HMRC on clients’ behalves should HMRC ever want further clarification of figures submitted. This includes HMRC queries following a tax return, VAT return, corporation tax return or payroll submission made by us. Usually, protecting clients from this type of HMRC investigation could mount up in terms of cost, as it can sometimes take hours to deal with, even for tax experts like us. However, with Taxfile’s low cost cover, it’s all covered automatically (within reason, of course*).

Through a low-cost fee, Taxfile promises to liaise with HMRC on clients' behalves should HMRC ever want clarification of figures submitted.The enquiry cover costs only …

  • £5 for a self assessment income tax return;
  • £10 for a VAT return;
  • £25 for a corporation tax return;
  • £4 for a payroll submission.

(VAT extra). Most accountants would charge you a considerable sum for this level of protection against HMRC enquiries. However, at Taxfile, we spread the cost through the whole business and, as a result, the cost to clients is a fraction of what it could otherwise be. We hope you agree that it’s a very small price to pay for such peace of mind, should the worst happen.

Tax Advisers & Accountants in Tulse Hill, Dulwich, South London & The South West

Do ask a staff member if you would like more information or, indeed, if you would like any tax or accountancy help. Telephone 020 8761 8000 or contact us here. We are Read more