Want to save money before Christmas?
Check out Taxfile’s latest e-newsletter to find out our latest tax news and easy ways you can save money — but only if you act fast.
Taxfile’s friendly staff are always available to help on all matters regarding tax and if you come in before 21st December we’ll give you a discount – check out the e-newsletter for full details and other ways to save even more. Up to date bulletins can also be found here on our tax blog.
If you’d like to save money on your self-assessment or tax refund, including CIS refunds for sub-contractors, call into Taxfile’s Tulse Hill Branch in SE21, or telephone 020 8761 8000. You can also contact Taxfile online here or book a free introductory appointment with a tax advisor here.
If you’d like to be included in our future e-newsletter mail-outs, please click here. We only send a few each year and you can unsubscribe at any time with a simple mouse-click. Your details will, of course, not be passed on to anyone else — they are only used to send out our own newsletters and tax news.