
Guide to the Employer Payment Summary (EPS) – for Limited Companies within the CIS

Guide to the Employer Payment Summary (EPS) – for Limited Companies within the CIS

by Daniel at Taxfile.

Understanding the Employer Payment Summary (EPS) monthly claims for limited companies within the CIS

Limited company contractors operating within the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) have distinct payroll obligations, including the submission of their Employer Payment Summary (EPS). In today’s guide, we’ll explain what the EPS is, its purpose, and the submission rules limited companies have to follow if they work within the Construction Industry Scheme.

What is the EPS?

The Employer Payment Summary serves as a crucial mechanism for limited company contractors to report additional payments, deductions, and adjustments to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) alongside their regular payroll submissions. While all such employers submit a monthly EPS, limited company contractors operating under CIS have specific considerations due to their status and the nature of their work within the construction industry.

The purpose of submitting monthly EPSs for Limited Company Contractors in the CIS

The primary purpose of EPSs for limited company contractors operating within the CIS is to provide HMRC with accurate information about deductions suffered under the Construction Industry Scheme. By submitting each monthly EPS for CIS, limited company contractors also ensure compliance with CIS regulations and provide HMRC with essential data for tax calculations and entitlements.

Submitting an EPS for Limited Company Contractors working within the CIS

Limited company contractors operating within CIS are required to submit an EPS to HMRC every month, even if there are no adjustments to report. EPSs should be submitted after the end of the tax month but before the 19th of the following month, in line with HMRC guidelines.

Contractors can use HMRC’s online services or compatible payroll software to submit their monthly EPS for CIS. It’s crucial to ensure that the information provided in each EPS accurately reflects the deductions suffered under CIS.

The CIS deductions suffered sent through an EPS are promptly reflected as a credit on the PAYE account. This credit will then be utilised to set off against other liabilities, including PAYE tax, National Insurance Contributions (NIC), and subcontractor’s tax submitted through the CIS300 return.

When sending the EPS you can also claim Employment Allowance and recover statutory payments that exceed the amount of PAYE due.

Submitting EPSs late may lead to penalties imposed by HMRC, which can vary based on the extent and frequency of delays.

CIS Contractor's Monthly Return (CIS300) - Explained

CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return (CIS300)

CIS Contractor's Monthly Return (CIS300) - Explained

by Daniel at Taxfile.

The CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return is a mandatory requirement for contractors operating within the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). It acts as a mechanism for contractors to disclose to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) payments issued to subcontractors and the corresponding tax deductions withheld from those payments. By providing HMRC with information regarding payments rendered and the accompanying tax deductions, the CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return guarantees transparency and adherence to regulations within the construction sector. In today’s guide, we explain the various components of the monthly ‘CIS300’ return, how the process works, key deadlines, the ramifications of non-compliance, and much more.

Key Components of the Monthly Return

The CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return typically includes the following key components:

This section includes information about the contractor, such as their name, Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), and contact details. Ensuring accuracy in this section is crucial for HMRC’s records and communication purposes.

Contractors must provide details of all subcontractors they have engaged during the reporting period. This includes the subcontractors’ names, UTRs, and payment amounts.

Contractors must report the total payments made to each subcontractor during the reporting period. This information helps HMRC track payments within the construction industry and verify compliance with tax obligations.

Contractors are required to calculate and report the tax deductions made from payments to subcontractors. The deducted amounts are typically based on the subcontractors’ verification status and tax treatment under the CIS.

The Monthly Return concludes with the calculation of the total amount due to HMRC, taking into account the tax deductions made from payments to subcontractors.

Deadlines and Reporting Periods

The CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return deadlines follow a structured timeline, which includes:

  • The submission deadline — contractors must submit their Monthly Returns to HMRC by the 19th of each month following the end of the reporting period. (Contractors’ payments to HMRC must also be made by this date).
  • The reporting period covered by each Monthly Return — which typically spans from the 6th of the previous month to the 5th of the current one.

Making Your CIS Payments to HMRC

Once you’ve calculated the total CIS deductions, prepare to make the payment to HMRC. You will need to have the following information ready:

  • Your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number;
  • Your payment reference, which is your 13-character Accounts Office reference number followed by the letter ‘C’ (e.g., 123PA12345678C);
  • The amount you’re paying.

HMRC offers various payment options for settling your CIS liabilities, which are explained here.

  • A contractor who operates as a limited company and also acts as a subcontractor might find that they are exempt from making any payments to HMRC. Subcontractors who do not have gross payment status will incur CIS deductions, which can then be used to offset any CIS payments owed to HMRC. This is exclusively available to limited companies. Please look out for our forthcoming blog focused on the CIS claim — a hyperlink will follow here once it’s live.

Implications of Non-Compliance

Failure to meet CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return deadlines can lead to various consequences, which may include the following:

  • Penalties — HMRC may impose penalties for late or non-submission of Monthly Returns, which can escalate over time.
  • Loss of benefits — non-compliance with CIS obligations, including Monthly Return deadlines, can lead to loss of benefits such as gross payment status, affecting contractors’ cash flow and competitiveness.

Managing the CIS Monthly Return Process

For contractors, efficiently managing the CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return process involves the following steps:

1. Maintain Accurate Records

Contractors should maintain accurate records of payments made to subcontractors and tax deductions applied. This includes keeping track of invoices, receipts, and CIS statements.

2. Timely Submission

The Monthly Return must be submitted to HMRC by the 19th of each month following the end of the reporting period. Contractors should ensure timely submission to avoid penalties and maintain compliance.

3. Use HMRC Online Services

HMRC provides online services for submitting CIS returns, making the process convenient and accessible for contractors. Registering for and using these online services can streamline the submission process and reduce administrative burdens.

The CIS Contractor’s Monthly Return is the key tool through which to report payments and tax deductions accurately to HMRC. Understanding its components and effectively navigating the submission process helps to ensure that contractors are compliant — and also avoids unnecessary penalties.

Rest assured, though: Taxfile is here when you need help with CIS returns and accountancy for construction workers, bookkeeping, CIS tax rebates for subcontractors, limited company accounts, and any tax-related matters that require professional help. We’re happy to provide guidance on compliance requirements, tax calculations, record-keeping practices, and much more.

Setting Up for Making Tax Digital - Bookkeeping, Record-Keeping Etc

Setting Up for Making Tax Digital

Setting Up for Making Tax Digital - Bookkeeping, Record-Keeping Etc

by Sue at Taxfile.

Whether you’re new to self-employment and have just started to run your own business, or have been doing it for a while – the fact is: Making Tax Digital (‘MTD’) is coming and it would be best to get set up in the right way, now.

Record-Keeping for Making Tax Digital

Keeping your personal life & your business completely separate is the best policy. It keeps things streamlined and will also save you money when your tax agent comes to do your bookkeeping & tax returns. So:

  • Set up a separate bank account just for your business;
  • Pay for your expenses from this account;
  • Pay income from your sales into it;
  • Keep an ongoing file for each tax year, where you put all your expenses, receipts & invoices;
  • Include copies of your sales invoices in that file too;
  • Keep the file in monthly order, so that accountants/tax advisors like Taxfile can easily cross-check the invoices to the bank statements and analyse your costs accurately.

Setting Up Digitally

Making Tax Digital means that you must run your business through a digital traceable source. The best way to do this is to allow us, if we are your tax agent/accountant, to set up your bank statements to feed automatically into accounting software like ‘Xero’. Alternatively, we can accept bank statements downloaded in CSV format, which we would then transfer to Excel spreadsheets.

Cash & Card Sales

If you are making cash & card sales, set up an app on your smartphone like ‘Sum Up’ or ‘Square’ so that you will be complying with MTD – your bank can also supply you with a PDQ card reader to accept your cash/card sales. We can upload your sales reports from these services and include them in your sales figures.

Accurate record-keeping is the cornerstone of every successful business

Moving to Quarterly Reporting

Here at Taxfile, we can currently run your bookkeeping for you quarterly or annually. However, when HMRC implement MTD fully in 2026, tax returns will need to be submitted each quarter — no longer just once a year. We’re therefore recommending that everyone gets used to sending in their bookkeeping records quarterly.

Quarterly bookkeeping also allows us to monitor your sales turnover and alert you at the appropriate time if you are approaching the level of sales that would require you to get registered for VAT. Finding out at the end of the year that you have already gone over the threshold — and should have been charging VAT at an earlier date — can be very costly.

Contact Taxfile – for All Your Tax & Accounting Needs

We’re Tax Advisors & Accountants in Tulse Hill, Dulwich, South London & the South West

Come and chat with one of our friendly team in the Tulse Hill office about getting things set up & ready in good time. Or call for a telephone appointment to discuss what will be best suited to your particular business operations.

Whether you are a sole trader with no staff or subcontractors for a larger concern, we are here to help every size of business get set up on the right path — for getting MTD-ready.

Taxfile is a tax advisor and accountant with offices in Tulse Hill, and Dulwich in South London, and Devon & Cornwall in the South West of England.

Understanding Overpayment Relief – Types, Eligibility & How to Claim

Understanding Overpayment Relief

Understanding Overpayment Relief – Types, Eligibility & How to Claim

by Mohamed at Taxfile.

Have you ever felt that you’ve paid more in taxes than necessary? Whether due to calculation errors, changes in personal circumstances, or evolving tax laws, overpayments can happen to anyone. The good news is that there’s a way to reclaim those excess funds through the process of overpayment relief claims. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of reclaiming your hard-earned money.

What is Overpayment Relief?

Overpayment relief allows you to recover money you’ve mistakenly paid to HMRC within four years after the end of the tax year in which the overpayment occurred. It’s a financial safety net that allows you to correct discrepancies and regain control of your finances. Understanding the concept is the first step toward putting your overpaid taxes back where they belong – in your pocket.

Types of Overpayment

The overpayment must be for income tax, capital gains tax (CGT), Class 4 National Insurance contributions (NICs), or corporation tax. It applies to both overpayments and excessive assessments.

Eligibility Criteria

You must have a valid reason for believing you overpaid tax. This could be an error in your tax return, incorrect coding by HMRC, or changes in your circumstances affecting your tax liability. You cannot claim overpayment relief simply by correcting your tax return after the deadline.

Claiming Overpayment Relief

You need to submit a formal claim to HMRC in the correct format, explicitly stating that it’s for “overpayment relief.”

The claim should clearly identify the tax year, the amount you believe you overpaid, and the reason for the overpayment. Include any supporting evidence, like documents confirming income, deductions, or expenses. Your claim must be submitted within specific time frames — generally, four years from the end of the tax year for which you’re claiming. Special rules apply for late claims.

Claim Format

Your claim must be made in writing, stating the tax year, the amount overpaid, the reason for your claim, and whether you’ve previously appealed. You cannot claim through your tax return.

For more information please refer to the HMRC website or get in touch with Taxfile.

Tax & Accountancy Help from Taxfile

At Taxfile we are skilled at identifying opportunities for additional savings, deductions, and credits that individuals might overlook. You can call us on 020 8761 8000 to schedule a free 20-minute, no-obligation consultation for any tax-related matter — or simply use the buttons below:

Taxfile is a tax advisor and accountant in Tulse Hill at 25 Thurlow Park Road, Tulse Hill, London SE21 8JP. We’re on the corner at the junction of Birkbeck Hill and the South Circular (A205), within easy walking distance of Tulse Hill station (map). We also have a Dulwich office as well as helping people with tax and accountancy in Devon and Cornwall.

Taxfile is Open on Sunday Mornings in January — Perfect for 2022-23 Tax Returns

We’re Open on Sunday Mornings in January — Perfect for 2022-23 Tax Returns

Taxfile is Open on Sunday Mornings in January — Perfect for 2022-23 Tax Returns

With the self-assessment tax return deadline almost upon us, we are opening our Tulse Hill office* on Sunday mornings, 9 am to 1 pm, for the remainder of January. That’s as well as the previously announced Saturday morning opening during the same hours. It’s the perfect opportunity to discuss your tax return with us or bring in figures and records without having to disturb your working week. Weekend time slots are limited, though, so please book a free 20-minute appointment as soon as possible if you’d like to visit.

020 8761 8000 Book Appointment Tax Return Help
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Basis Reform and Spreading

Basis Reform and Spreading

Basis Period Reform and Spreading of Tax Over Multiple Years
As of April 6, 2023, the Self-Assessment (SA) for income tax has undergone a significant transformation, known as Basis Period Reform.  This change aims to align the taxation of business profits with the standard April-April tax year, rather than any other accounting periods that may have been required by the taxpayer.

While the transition to the new basis period has introduced certain complexities, it also presents opportunities for businesses to manage their tax liabilities more effectively. One such opportunity lies in the spreading of tax arising from transitional profits.

Transitional profits refer to the profits that arise from the transition between the old and new basis periods. These profits can be spread over Read more

Understanding Basis Period Reform for Self-Assessment Tax in the UK

Understanding Basis Period Reform for Self-Assessment Tax in the UK


Understanding Basis Period Reform for Self-Assessment Tax in the UK

Are you a sole trader or in a partnership? 

Do you have different accounting dates from the standard 6th of April to the 5th of Apri?

If you answered YES to both questions, some IMPORTANT changes will apply for the tax year 2023-24.

The concept of the basis period determines the time frame used to calculate taxable profits or losses for self-employed individuals, partnerships, and some trusts.  It marks a departure from the traditional “current year” basis, where business profits were taxed based on the accounting period ending within the tax year. Instead, it introduces a “tax year” basis, aligning taxable profits with the UK’s standard tax year, running from 6 April to 5 April. Read more

Boost Your State Pension with Voluntary National Insurance Contributions

Boost Your State Pension with Voluntary National Insurance Contributions

Boost Your State Pension with Voluntary National Insurance Contributions

As we approach retirement, ensuring a comfortable financial future becomes a top priority. The state pension, a crucial source of retirement income, is dependent on the number of qualifying years of National Insurance (NI) contributions you have made. While gaps in your NI record can diminish your state pension entitlement, there’s a solution: voluntary NI contributions.

To receive the full state pension, you need 35 qualifying years of NI contributions. These years typically accumulate as you work, with contributions automatically deducted from your salary. However, there may be instances where you may not have earned enough to make mandatory NI contributions, leading to gaps in your record. Read more

VAT in the UK: a comprehensive guide including what it is, the different rates, registering, returns, reclaiming it, the different schemes and more.

Navigating the VAT Landscape in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

VAT in the UK: a comprehensive guide including what it is, the different rates, registering, returns, reclaiming it, the different schemes and more.

Value Added Tax (VAT), a consumption tax levied on most goods and services in the UK, plays a significant role in the nation’s economy. Whether you’re a sole trader, limited company business owner or simply a curious consumer, understanding VAT is crucial for navigating the UK’s tax system effectively. Today’s comprehensive guide explains what it is, the various VAT rates, when you need to be registered for the tax, VAT schemes, and more. Read more