Your Tax Return – All Wrapped Up for Christmas!
Urgent: rather than waiting until January, start sorting out your Self-Assessment Tax Return out right now.
Why now? Well, because every tax expert and accountant in the land is about to hit their busiest month in the accounting year — January. For tax professionals, January is a frantic time because everyone wants their tax matters sorted out at the same time due to HMRC’s deadlines. So, we have to take on extra staff, extend our opening hours and open at weekends — just to keep up with the demand. All of this costs extra money, so we have to increase charges a little during January to cater for the enormous increase in workload. January also becomes quite a bottleneck. In January alone, we are likely to have to prepare and submit around 500 Self-Assessment tax returns for our customers and that’s a very tall order.
So — act now & save money on your tax return
You can avoid extra charges by coming in to see us for your tax return now — well before January. It makes sense to come in early in November or December if you can. That way, we can have your tax affairs sorted in time for Christmas, avoiding the bottleneck. You can then relax in the knowledge that your tax matters have been sorted, ahead of the rush, at the best possible price.
Saturday opening
We’re open Saturday mornings at Tulse Hill from 9am until 1pm for a limited time. So, make the most of this opportunity and book a weekend appointment now, while it costs nothing extra.
Get a tax refund for Christmas!
We can help prepare and submit your Self-Assessment tax return and let you know the all-important amount of tax you need to pay or, indeed, may even be owed by HMRC. If you’ve overpaid tax, we could even get your refund for you in time for Christmas — what a great present that would be! We can also help prepare and submit tax returns for previous years if you are overdue and those really do need sorting out urgently as the penalties from HMRC are horrific.
Don’t put it off any longer – act now so you don’t forget – AND you’ll save money!
Book your appointment with our tax experts
Don’t delay — all it takes is a phone call to Taxfile right now to book yourself in (telephone 0208 761 8000 for our Tulse Hill, and Battersea branches). You can also click here to book online for Tulse Hill or here for Battersea.
For self-assessment tax returns for the year ending 2019, we’ll require your records dated between 6 April 2018 and 5 April 2019 inclusive.