
Late with your tax return and tax payment? What happens now?

Missed the Tax Return Deadline? What Happens Now?

Missed the Tax Return Deadline? What Happens Now?

[February 2024]: If you missed the deadline to submit your self-assessment tax return, the first thing to know is that you are now into the penalty stage. HMRC applies an automatic £100 penalty to those who are even 1 day late (the deadline was 11.59pm on 31st January) and further penalties are added if you take even longer to comply. It’s worse, of course, if you also haven’t paid any tax owed as you’ll then owe interest too, so our advice is to pay as much as you can as soon as possible, so you’ll reduce any element of interest. However, if you “took reasonable care to meet” a deadline and there is a genuine reason why you were late, you have the option to appeal if your circumstances fit eligible criteria. Let’s take a look …

Circumstances that are taken into account by HMRC when considering appeals include:

  • if a close relative or partner died shortly before the tax return or payment deadline;
  • if you had to stay in hospital unexpectedly;
  • if you had a life-threatening or serious illness;
  • if your computer or software failed at the time you were preparing your online return;
  • if HMRC’s online services were disrupted;
  • if you were prevented from filing your return or paying your tax because of a fire, flood or theft;
  • if there were unexpected postal delays;
  • if you have a disability of mental illness that affected the delay;
  • if you misunderstood your legal obligation, or were unaware of it;
  • if someone you’d appointed for the task (e.g. accountant or tax adviser) failed in their obligation on your behalf;
  • and occasionally other reasons which, if genuine, HMRC may deem to be relevant (for example, some Covid-related circumstances).

Excuses that aren’t usually accepted by HMRC include:

  • you didn’t receive a reminder from HMRC;
  • you found HMRC’s online system too difficult to use;
  • your cheque bounced or payment failed due to you having insufficient funds;
  • you made an error on your return.

Appealing Against an HMRC Penalty

You do have the right to appeal against HMRC’s decision to issue you a penalty, for example due to a tax return — or the actual tax — being paid late. Taxfile can help advise you about that (see below).

Taxfile are Here to Help

So, if your tax return is late, you owe HMRC tax or are owed a refund by them, come and see us as soon as possible at Taxfile — we’re accountants and tax advisors in Tulse Hill, South London. We’ll help to sort it all out for you with the minimum of fuss, at a competitive price. Come in as early in the month as you can and we’ll help you to sort things out — for the best possible outcome. We know the rules and liaise with HMRC every single day on behalf of our clients, so if we can help convince HMRC to reduce or completely remove any penalty you may be facing, we will do so, so long as your circumstances fit the relevant HMRC criteria. You can only appeal within 30 days of the date of any penalty notice you receive, so the earlier the better – give us a call on 0208 761 8000 or fill in the short form here and we’ll take it from there. Alternatively, book an appointment with one of our expert tax advisors to chat things over, without obligation. Payment plans called ‘Time to Pay’ arrangements may also be available for eligible people who cannot to afford to pay their tax in one lump sum — Taxfile would be happy to tell you more.

Final day to submit your Self-Assessment tax return

Today is the Tax Return Deadline!

TODAY is the Self-Assessment tax return deadline!

[As at 31 January 2024]: The 31st January is THE FINAL DEADLINE by which you need to file your Self Assessment tax return with HMRC. If you miss(ed) that deadline (11.59pm on 31st), you risk a £100 HMRC fine right away plus other significant penalties thereafter. Interest will also be charged from 1 February if tax is not paid by midnight on 31 January (rules apply).

Time is running out, so contact Taxfile for help with your tax return as soon as possible please. Book an appointment* with one of our helpful tax advisors and accountancy experts TODAY and we’ll make filling in and submitting your tax return simple!

We’ll make filling in and submitting your tax return easy!

Don’t leave it to the last minute as there is always a bottleneck — come in as soon as you can, please, for professional help with filing of your tax return. We’ll require your records and figures for the financial year 6 April 2022 to 5 April 2023 unless you have a different accounting period. Plus any previous years not yet submitted, if applicable.

* As well as a face-to-face meeting, we can do a ‘virtual’ meeting with you, for example using Zoom video, Microsoft Teams, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Google Hangouts — or whatever suits you best.

It doesn’t matter if you have zero tax to pay – you still need to submit your tax return.

* Please note: in busy times like January, a deposit may be required before appointments commence.

TODAY is the deadline for submission of your tax return. Contact Taxfile for help filing & avoid a minimum £100 fine!

31st January was the Self Assessment Tax Return Deadline!

Today (31 January) is the self-assessment tax return deadline!

[As at 1 February 2023]: The 31st January was the Self Assessment tax return and tax payment deadline. Miss the deadline and you’ll be in for a £100 HMRC fine right away. Interest will also be charged from 1 February, as usual, if tax is not paid by midnight on 31 January (rules apply). Time is short, so contact Taxfile for help with your tax return as soon as possible please. Book an appointment* with one of our helpful tax advisors and accountancy experts TODAY — we’ll make it easy!

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CIS sub-contractor refunds

CIS Sub-contractors – Claim Your Tax Refund Now!

CIS sub-contractor refunds

[Updated April/May 2022]: It’s now time to start the process of claiming your tax refund if you are a sub-contractor working within the Construction Industry Scheme (‘CIS’). Refunds are usually fast through Taxfile.

What you need to do

Don’t delay – book an appointment with Taxfile today by calling 0208 761 8000 and we’ll sort it all out for you. We have staff who speak English, Polish, Pashto, Dari, Russian, French, and Dutch, should you need them on the day. Our Tulse Hill office is at 25 Thurlow Park Road, London SE21 8JP. Call 0208 761 8000 for an appointment — the first 20 minutes is free! Alternatively, you can have a ‘virtual’ appointment with us on Zoom, Teams, Google Hangouts, Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp or whatever you prefer.

Outside of London? No problem – click here.

We’re open from Monday to Saturday in April & May (including early evenings Mon/Tues)

Our Tulse Hill office is open 6 days a week during April & May and offers Saturday morning appointments plus early evening appointments on Mondays and Tuesdays if standard office hours do not suit you (please call for details).

Check List

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Key Takeaways from the Spring Statement 2022

Key Takeaways from the Spring Statement 2022

Key Takeaways from the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Spring Statement 2022

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled his Spring Statement for 2022 on 23 March and in some ways it was more like a mini budget.

Key takeaways from the Spring Statement include:

  • The earnings threshold at which you start to pay National Insurance Contributions (NICs) will increase to £12,570 from July 2022. This is currently set at £9,880 (correct at time of writing, March 2022), so will leave people with more money in their pockets.
  • Class 2 NICs for the self-employed will also reduce, from April 2022, to zero for profits between £6,515 and £9,568
  • 5p per litre has been cut immediately from fuel duty.
  • The basic rate of income tax will reduce from 20% to 19% starting in April 2024.
  • The Employment Allowance will increase to £5,000 per annum from April 2022. Currently it’s set at £4,000. The allowance reduces the NICs that employers have to pay.
  • VAT on materials that save energy will be reduced from 5% to zero from April 2022. This should reduce the cost of things like solar panels, heat pumps and insulation.
  • Councils in England will be able to pass on their share of an additional £500m in extra Government support via the Household Support Fund. The new tranche is for the period 2022/23. The fund helps vulnerable residents, via councils, with short-term help with things like fuel and household bills, food, clothing and other essentials. The previous tranche ends on 31 March 2022, so this is timely.

Watch the Chancellor’s 28 minute Spring Statement 2022, as delivered to the House of Commons, in the video above (skip any adverts). Alternatively get all the detail in the House’s briefing summary here. There’s also a Read more

Christmas & New Year Opening Times at Taxfile

Christmas & New Year Opening Times at Taxfile

Christmas & New Year Opening Times at Taxfile

Season’s greetings to all our clients and readers and sincere thanks to all of you who have kept us busy with work during 2021 — we really appreciate it.

Here’s a quick reminder of our opening times during the Christmas period and into the New Year. This is for our Tulse Hill office (Thurlow Park Road) and our Dulwich office (Turney Road) except where otherwise indicated.

  • Friday 24 December 2021 (Christmas Eve): we’re open from 9am until 3pm (Tulse Hill office only).
  • Saturday 25 December 2021 (Christmas Day): closed.
  • Sunday 26 December 2021 (Boxing Day): closed.
  • Monday 27 December 2021 (a public holiday): closed.
  • Tuesday 28 December 2021 (a public holiday): closed.
  • Wednesday 29 December 2021: open 9am until 5pm.
  • Thursday 30 December 2021: open 9am until 5pm.
  • Friday 31 December 2021: open 9am until 3pm (Tulse Hill office only).
  • Saturday 1 January 2022 (New Year’s Day): closed.
  • Sunday 2 January 2022: closed.
  • Monday 3 January 2022 (a public holiday): closed.
  • Tuesday 4 January 2022: we re-open from 9am until 6pm.
  • Wednesday 5 January 2022: open as usual, 9am until 5pm.
  • Thursday 6 January 2022: open as usual, 9am until 5pm.
  • Friday 7 January 2022: open as usual, 9am until 3pm (Tulse Hill office only).
  • Saturday 8 January 2022: open 9am until 1pm by appointment (Tulse Hill office only).
  • Sunday 9 January 2022: closed.
  • From week commencing Monday 10 January: open as usual (see footer).

Have You Contacted Taxfile About Your Tax Return Yet?

If you need a self-assessment tax return or any other kind of return and haven’t yet arranged it with us, please arrange an appointment urgently. January becomes frantically busy in the accounting world, so please make the most of the remaining December appointments while they’re still available — thank you. Appointments are by telephone, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, in person (under safety protocols) … Read more

Taxfile's Autumn Newsletter 2021

Taxfile’s Autumn Newsletter 2021

Taxfile's Autumn Newsletter 2021

Our tax and accountancy-related newsletter is available as a PDF download tooWelcome to Taxfile’s Autumn Newsletter for 2021. One of our biggest yet, it includes useful tax- and accountancy-related news that you need to be aware of, ways to save time or money – and much more. Take a look!

QR Codes

QR codes are quick links you can scan on your mobile phoneYou’ll find QR codes throughout the newsletter. These are a quick and easy way to access further information about the topic. Assuming you are viewing the newsletter on a desktop device or a printed* version, simply point your mobile camera phone at a QR code and then open the link that pops up. Your mobile’s browser will then take you straight to the information page. Alternatively, we supply simple link URLs to simply tap in.

Acrobat PDF version availableDownload As an Acrobat PDF & Print Out

* If you’re viewing on a small screen, it may be easier to read if you download the newsletter as an Acrobat PDF so you can print it out at full size (A4). Read more

New 30-Day Rules for Capital Gains on Residential Property

New 30-Day Rules for Capital Gains on Residential Property

New 30-Day Rules for Capital Gains on Residential Property

New rules have now come into force in relation to capital gains made on disposals of UK residential property*. Several key actions are now required if a taxable capital gain has arisen, including some that now need to be made fast:

  1. Taxpayers need to report the property’s disposal within 30 days of the actual disposal;
  2. They will need to pay the estimated Capital Gains Tax (‘CGT’) to HMRC within 30 days of the disposal.
  3. Those who fill in and submit a Self-Assessment tax return will also need to include details of the disposal on their return.

Who Do the New CGT Rules Apply To?

The new rules apply whether you’re an individual, joint property owner, trustee, partner in a partnership or LLP, or a personal representative.

What Counts as a Residential Property Disposal?

The new rules apply to all UK residential property that was disposed of (taken as the date of the exchange of contracts) since 6 April 2020 inclusive, where a capital gain was made that will require payment of CGT.

To fall within the rules, a UK residential property must be one that:

  • is suitable for use as a dwelling, or;
  • is being built or adapted for use as a dwelling.

It can be one in which the the owner has never lived or has lived for only part of the period they owned it. It can also be a rental property or a holiday home.

Where a property has been used for mixed purposes, only the capital gain that’s equivalent to Read more