Saturday Appointments in December - Book Now for Tax Returns Etc.

Saturday Appointments in January – Book Now for Tax Returns Etc.

Saturday Appointments Available in January - Book Now for Tax Returns Etc.

Taxfile is open on Saturday mornings in January, by appointment. Saturdays might be useful if you need to see us for your 2023/24 tax return, or any other accountancy work, but can’t do it on a weekday. Saturday slots are limited; there are only 4 Saturdays available in January and opening times will be from 9am until 1pm. So, please book in today if a weekend appointment suits you — before slots are all taken. Late appointments are also available on Mondays, when we open until 6pm, or choose any other weekday if you can come earlier. Please see the footer of our website for latest opening times.

Book in on 0208 761 8000 or book your appointment online (here). We are happy to do virtual (video/phone) or physical appointments at our Tulse Hill office in Thurlow Park Road — whichever suits you best. Read more

HMRC Waives Late Filing & Payment Penalty for 31st January Deadline

HMRC has taken the decision to not issue a late filing penalty for anyone who does not submit their self-assessment tax return before midnight on 31st January 2022.  It is important to point out that the deadline for filing your 2020-21 tax return remains 31/01/22 but the waiving of the penalty allows anyone who is unable to file their self-assessment tax return by the 31/01/22 deadline avoid a £100 late filing penalty as long as they submit their tax return  sometime before midnight 28th February 2022.

Furthermore, anyone that is unable to pay their self-assessment tax liability before 31st January 2022 will not receive a late payment penalty if they pay their tax in full, or call HMRC to arrange a payment plan before 1st April 2022.  It is important to note that interest will be added on taxes owed from 1st February 2022.

For a second year in a row, due to COVID, an extra Read more

Saturday Appointments in December - Book Now for Tax Returns Etc.

Saturday Appointments in December – Book Now for Tax Returns Etc.

Saturday Appointments Available in December - Book Now for Tax Returns Etc.

[Update for January 2022 available here]. Read more

Taxfile's Autumn Newsletter 2021

Taxfile’s Autumn Newsletter 2021

Taxfile's Autumn Newsletter 2021

Our tax and accountancy-related newsletter is available as a PDF download tooWelcome to Taxfile’s Autumn Newsletter for 2021. One of our biggest yet, it includes useful tax- and accountancy-related news that you need to be aware of, ways to save time or money – and much more. Take a look!

QR Codes

QR codes are quick links you can scan on your mobile phoneYou’ll find QR codes throughout the newsletter. These are a quick and easy way to access further information about the topic. Assuming you are viewing the newsletter on a desktop device or a printed* version, simply point your mobile camera phone at a QR code and then open the link that pops up. Your mobile’s browser will then take you straight to the information page. Alternatively, we supply simple link URLs to simply tap in.

Acrobat PDF version availableDownload As an Acrobat PDF & Print Out

* If you’re viewing on a small screen, it may be easier to read if you download the newsletter as an Acrobat PDF so you can print it out at full size (A4). Read more

New 30-Day Rules for Capital Gains on Residential Property

New 30-Day Rules for Capital Gains on Residential Property

New 30-Day Rules for Capital Gains on Residential Property

New rules have now come into force in relation to capital gains made on disposals of UK residential property*. Several key actions are now required if a taxable capital gain has arisen, including some that now need to be made fast:

  1. Taxpayers need to report the property’s disposal within 30 days of the actual disposal;
  2. They will need to pay the estimated Capital Gains Tax (‘CGT’) to HMRC within 30 days of the disposal.
  3. Those who fill in and submit a Self-Assessment tax return will also need to include details of the disposal on their return.

Who Do the New CGT Rules Apply To?

The new rules apply whether you’re an individual, joint property owner, trustee, partner in a partnership or LLP, or a personal representative.

What Counts as a Residential Property Disposal?

The new rules apply to all UK residential property that was disposed of (taken as the date of the exchange of contracts) since 6 April 2020 inclusive, where a capital gain was made that will require payment of CGT.

To fall within the rules, a UK residential property must be one that:

  • is suitable for use as a dwelling, or;
  • is being built or adapted for use as a dwelling.

It can be one in which the the owner has never lived or has lived for only part of the period they owned it. It can also be a rental property or a holiday home.

Where a property has been used for mixed purposes, only the capital gain that’s equivalent to Read more

Faiz from Taxfile - Helping the Community with Tax Problems

Faiz from Taxfile – Helping the Community with Tax Problems

Faiz from Taxfile - helping the South London community with their tax problems

Hello; I’m Faiz Mazloumiar. I have been working for Taxfile since May 2005, mostly doing tax returns for subcontractors, self-employed individuals, partnerships and landlords. I specialise in helping clients who, for whatever reason, have fallen behind in their tax affairs, assisting in making disclosures to HMRC whilst trying to minimise the penalties imposed on them over the years. I always aim to put our customers first by calling HMRC to try to cancel recent years’ penalties, then I submit any outstanding tax returns. When I submit the tax returns I also do an appeal for older years’ penalties to be revoked. In many cases HMRC accept my appeals and clients get their money back for anything they have had to pay. I am always fighting for my clients and I have been known to battle on behalf of them for over a year.

I also help many people in our local community who are on PAYE but perhaps do not know if they are paying the right tax and NI contributions. It is a little like charity work. When people from the local community bring in their P60, I will check it and give them advice on how to contact HMRC and ask for a refund if they have overpaid. When new clients come with any problems, they are usually very stressed and anxious and sometimes don’t understand the intricacies of the UK tax system. We aim to help them with their tax problems, so they can leave us feeling relieved and a little happier. When I help clients they trust me and I have grown my client base only through recommendations. It is very exciting and satisfying for me to be able to help my clients and community as a whole.

Contact Taxfile, South London’s Favourite Tax Accountants

For any tax- or accountancy-related needs, contact us. We’d love to help! Call Faiz direct on 020 8655 7891 or speak to our main switchboard on 020 8761 8000. Alternatively message us your tax-related query here. We also offer a free 20-minute introductory appointment and this is available in person, through a video call (Zoom, Teams etc.) or via telephone — whichever you prefer. We are accountants and tax advisors in Tulse Hill, Dulwich, South London and Devon/Cornwall in the West Country.

This post was brought to you by Faiz at Taxfile.

Get peace of mind by using an experienced and friendly team of tax advisers and accountants

Peace of Mind from Using an Experienced Tax Team

Get peace of mind by using an experienced and friendly team of tax advisers and accountants

When using Taxfile, you are using an experienced team that will make dealing with your tax affairs seamless. A lot of clients start by coming into our office stressed and overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. Using your current position and needs, we plan a step-by-step approach to keep you on top of your affairs and the relationship between you and HMRC harmonious. Once you are officially on board with us, we will have access to your HMRC record and, with our dedicated agent lines to HMRC, we’ll be able to speak to them on your behalf. This way, you are free from having to call them yourself and wait longer than we do for a call handler. You can also have any issues or queries explained to you in an easy to understand way by our friendly team. If you receive any letters that from HMRC and you don’t understand anything, we will be able to take a look for you and explain what it’s all about.

Any fee you pay Taxfile is tax deductible, so will be put on your tax return and result in a reduction of tax.

Our up-to-date knowledge of the tax system will give you peace of mind, alleviate any anxiety you may have and make the whole experience very different to how a lot of people find it when they are not using a team like ours. We know the best way to approach a tax situation that, without our experience and knowledge, could otherwise result in a lot more time and money being spent unnecessarily. From something as small as missing a tax return deadline, it can spiral into something a lot bigger, potentially including penalties, late payment interest, debt collection agencies being involved and so on. We inform all our clients of upcoming deadlines, for their particular tax situation, and let them know what needs doing and when, avoiding this situation and many more.

Unlike a lot of other companies, our tax experts and accountants are approachable, accessible and happy to help. We’re a unique tax advisor and accountancy practice like no other, with offices in Tulse Hill, Dulwich and Devon. We can help with any tax-related issues, including bookkeeping, filling in a tax return, limited company accounts, help accounting for property lettings tax refunds and anything accountancy-related. Call Taxfile on 020 8761 8000, book a free 20-minute appointment with us (remote or in-person options available) or simply email us your tax-related query here.

This post was brought to you by Julie at Taxfile.

Small Trader? Make the Most of These 2 Allowances!

Small Trader? Make the Most of These 2 Allowances!

Small trader? Make the most of these 2 allowances!

Small traders with very modest incomes are currently eligible for a couple of very useful allowances. Both of these could save them money — and some paperwork:

1. Tax-Free Allowance for small traders

If you receive income of no more than £1000 per annum (before expenses) from property or trading income, you don’t need to tell HMRC, you don’t need to pay tax and usually you don’t need to do a self-assessment tax return. If you have both types of income and each earns you no more than £1000 gross per annum, you are usually eligible for the tax-free allowance in BOTH cases! There are exceptions, of course, but these are the general guidelines. Income from property or land speaks for itself, while ‘trading‘ would include things like self-employment, hiring out personal equipment or services like gardening, window cleaning or babysitting. Partnerships are not eligible.

2. Trading Income Allowance

If you are paying tax but have expenses below £1000 per annum, you could reduce the tax by claiming for ‘Trading Income Allowance’ instead of claiming for the actual expenses themselves. In effect, it’s like claiming for £1000 worth of expenses rather than the lower amount of expenses that you’ve incurred in reality. This aspect is all explained in greater detail, with a simple example, in our previous Trading Income Allowance article here.

It’s important to know, though, that you cannot claim both the Read more

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (MTDfITSA). Are you ready?

Making tax digital for Income Tax Self Assessment

The Government has now pencilled in what they regard as a firm date to implement MTD for ITSA, for all landlords and business owners that have an income above £10,000.

The next accounting period starting on or after 06/04/2023 that meet the above mentioned criteria will need to be compiled & submitted via MTD-compatible software.

If you are self-employed or a landlord with a turnover greater than £10k, how will MTD affect you?

1.  You will need to submit a quarterly summary of your businesses income & expenses to HMRC using MTD-compliant software.  Yes, you read that correctly.  No longer can you do your tax return in one go, with a lot of our customers leaving it to December or even January before they come to see us.  As your tax agents, we would need your business transactions every 3 months, to compile, compute, and submit through to HMRC.

The timing of the quarterly updates is determined by the accounting period of the business but typically the 4 quarters will be:

  • 6 April to 5 July
  • 6 July to 5 October
  • 6 October to 5 January
  • 6 January to 5 April

2.  All your income and expenses will need to be individually logged electronically.  The technical term used is that every business transaction will have an ‘electronic signature’.  These signatures will then be submitted to HMRC every 3 months and you will receive an estimated tax projection for the year based on the information provided.

3.  At the end of the year, any non-business information, foreign income, other income, etc is added to finalise your tax affairs and submitted using the MTD-compatible software.  This replaces the need for a Self Assessment tax return.  You will then have Read more

Landlords warned over tax on Income from lettings & property investments

Buy-to-let Changes Are Coming — Landlords Beware

Landlords warned over tax on Income from lettings & property investmentsA warning and reminder to landlords: the Chancellor’s Summer budget back in July will hit buy-to-let investors’ profits once the changes kick in, so now is the time to start planning ahead. Not all landlords will be affected though; if their rental property is mortgage free or if they sell within the next 2 years these changes won’t affect them. However those landlords that are Higher and Additional taxpayers will notice their tax relief reduce by 2020. Also, investors near the tax threshold could find themselves in the next tax bracket, which could have a knock-on effect and increase their tax exposure.

So what are the proposed tax changes?

There are basically two:

  1. Firstly, the amount of tax relief landlords can claim on their mortgage interest will now be capped at basic rate and;
  2. Secondly, landlords will no longer be able to subtract their mortgage interest from their rental income before they calculate their taxable profit.

One in five landlords are expected to have to pay more tax because of these changes, however the new rules will not be phased in until between 2017 and 2021 according to the latest information.

What steps can landlords take?

There are several steps that investors can take to conserve as much profit as possible and to limit the amount of any extra tax payable. For example: Read more